

Comprised of faculty that span pharmaceutical and pharmacological research, 药物科学系正在扩大和加强其研究组合.

Existing areas of expertise include drug delivery, drug discovery, epigenetics, 生物分析技术, cell signaling, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 和神经科学(查看以下最近的学术活动列表,以进一步了解该系成员正在进行的研究).


Departmental faculty are centralized in the Biosciences Research Building (BRB). 

Departmental Faculty




下面列出的活动是由全球十大赌博靠谱的平台药学系的成员,从1月1日开始, 2020 - December 31, 2020.

* ACPHS教员以粗体表示.


Christopher L. Cioffi 2020 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 Researcher of the Year Award.

Presentations & Conferences

K. Jin, 基质成分与乳腺癌之间通过分泌因子的相互作用促进肿瘤生长和转移, Nanobioseminar, 纳米科学学院 & 工程纽约州立大学理工学院. 2020年4月1日,纽约州奥尔巴尼.
K. Jin, 基质成分与内分泌抵抗性乳腺癌之间通过分泌因子的相互作用促进肿瘤生长和转移, ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, April 17, 2020.
M. Musteata and Galke D.:“使用新开发的聚丙烯腈SpinTip微萃取装置测量睾酮游离浓度”,在第68届asm会议上发表, Houston, TX, 2020年6月(更改为在线格式).
M. Musteata and Galke D.:“生物相容性聚丙烯腈微萃取装置的发展”,发表于第十届年度研究研讨会, ACPHS, Albany, NY, April 2020.

Sumit Kamat*, Sonia Parikh和 Manish B. Shah. Crystal Structure of CYP2C9*8 Genetic Variant Bound to an Anti-Hypertensive Drug Losartan. 实验生物学2020,圣地亚哥,加州. (*入选Datablitz Daily talk,并获得美国实验治疗药理学学会(ASPET)颁发的研究生旅行奖,参加会议. 因COVID-19会议取消.
迪伦·戴维*,索尼娅·帕里克和 Manish B. Shah. Insights into the Effect of Genetic Variation in CYP2C9 (*11) on Drug Binding. 实验生物学2020,圣地亚哥,加州. 因新冠肺炎疫情,会议取消. *Received undergraduate student travel stipend from the 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院, and the 药物科学系 to attend the meeting. 因COVID-19会议取消

C. Cioffi, Photoswitchable ORG25543 congener enables optical control of glycine transporter. 第30届ACPHS年度研究研讨会, 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院, Albany, New York, US, April 17, 2020.
M. Shah, 年度研究研讨会讲台会议-“人类细胞色素P450 2C9遗传多态性的功能和结构基础:对*2变异影响的见解”, April 17, ACPHS, Albany, NY.

K. JinAdipsin promotes tumor progression in ESR1 mutant breast cancer cells. AACR Virtual Annual Meeting II, June 22-24, 2020.
Nast N and K. Jin. HOXB7过表达细胞与基质细胞间串扰分泌因子的鉴定与验证. ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, April 16, 2020.
Pandithar S and K. Jin. 基质成分与内分泌抵抗性乳腺癌之间通过分泌因子的相互作用促进肿瘤生长和转移. ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, April 16, 2020.
Malone MK and K. Jin. Adipsin promotes tumor progression in ESR1 mutant ER+ breast cancer cells. ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, April 16, 2020.

Outside Services

Christopher L. Cioffi"药物化学杂志", Reviewer, 2010-Present
Christopher L. Cioffi"Journal of Organic Chemistry", Reviewer, 2010-Present
Christopher L. Cioffi"Medicinal Chemistry Letters", Reviewer, 2010-Present
Christopher L. Cioffi"Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters", Reviewer, 2010-Present
Christopher L. Cioffi"Current Pharmaceutical Design", Reviewer, 2010-Present
Christopher L. Cioffi"Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics", Reviewer, 2019-Present
Christopher L. Cioffi"Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews", Reviewer, 2021
Christopher L. Cioffi" 《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》,审稿人,2021年
Christopher L. Cioffi, "Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience"; working on the launch of a new section: “Pain Mechanisms and Modulators”, Associate Editor, 2021.
Christopher L. Cioffi, "Topics in Medicinal Chemistry"; serving as an editor and chapter contributor for a new volume in Topics in Medicinal Chemistry focused on Drug Delivery Challenges and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Diseases. Volume Editor. 2018-2020.
Manish B. ShahNIH MSFA Study Section (Macromolecular Structure and Function A) - 02/2020. 亲自参与.
Manish B. Shah应邀为化学信息与建模杂志(ACS)和药物代谢与处置杂志(ASPET)审阅一篇手稿.

Christopher L. Cioffi 美国国立卫生研究院, review panel to evaluate U18 Research Demonstration – Cooperative Agreement applications; Step Up for Substance Use Disorders (SUD); NIH/NIDA Study Section ZDA1 SKM-D (6),  June, 2020. Ad Hoc Member
Christopher L. Cioffi 美国国立卫生研究院, small business panel on Drug Discovery for Aging, Neuropsychiatric and Neurologic Disorders; NIH ZRG1 ETTN-H (11),  November, 2020 – Present. Member.
Manish B. Shah当选ASPET委员-执行委员会成员(2020年7月至2023年6月)-药物代谢和处置部门.
Manish B. ShahNominated for Secretary/Treasurer for ASPET – Drug metabolism and disposition division.  
Manish B. Shah受邀担任第40届中西部酶化学会议学生和博士后海报奖竞赛评委, October 2020 – Virtual from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Manish B. Shah学生暑期研究奖:BSPS本科生Thomas Yarbrough在实验室研究CYP2C9基因多态性.
M. MUSTEATA《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》杂志副主编.


M. MUSTEATACibotaru D., Celestin M.N., Kane M., and Musteata F.M.: “Simultaneous Determination of Free Concentration, Total Concentration, 和等离子体结合力,《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》, 110(3), p. 1401 - 1411,, 2020.
M. MUSTEATALaPorte B. and Musteata F.M.: “Increasing the Accuracy of Total Body Clearance Measurement,《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》, 109(6), p. 2079 - 2089,, 2020.
HAIAN ZHENG, Shargel and Yu’s Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, 8th Edition, 第十四章静脉输液, Murray P . Ducharme和Leon Shargel编辑, McGraw-Hill, 2020.

C. L. Cioffi(2020) Volume Editor: Drug Delivery Challenges and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Diseases: chapter author; Introduction: Overview of the Human Eye, Mammalian Retina, 以及类视黄醇视觉周期. In:药物化学专题. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; ISBN 978-3-030-56618-0.

Peer Review
C. L. Cioffi Muthuraman, P.; Raja, A.; Varadi, A.; Racz, B.; Petrukhin, K.  稳定转甲状腺素四聚体的视黄醇结合蛋白4双特异性拮抗剂的发现:脚手架跳跃, optimization, 临床前药理学评估作为两种常见的年龄相关合并症的潜在治疗方法. J. Med. Chem. 2020, 63, 11054-11084; PMID: 32878437.
Mostyn, S. N.; Sarker, S.; Muthuraman, P.; Raja, A.; Shimmon, S.; Rawling, T.; Cioffi, C. L.; Vandenberg, R. J. Photoswitchable ORG25543 congener enables optical control of glycine transporter 2. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2020, 11, 1250-1258; PMID: 32191428.
Recommended in Faculty Opinions (F1000): Lowe J: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Cioffi CL et al., J. Med. Chem. 2020, 63, 11054-11084]. 在教师意见,2020年9月20日.
Malone MS, Smrekar K, Park S, Blakely B, Walter A, Nasta N, Park J, Considine M, Danilova L, Pandey N, Fertig E, Popel A, and Jin K*. TNBC微环境中基质细胞分泌的细胞因子作为癌症治疗的潜在靶点:实验和生物信息学预测. Cancer Biol Ther. 2020年6月2日;21(6):560-569.
K. Jin癌症研究的同行评审, Frontier Oncology, Drug Design, 发展与治疗, JECC, Cancer Medicine.
Sonia Parikh, Chiara Evans, Juliet Obi, Qinghai Zhang, Keiko Maekawa, Karen Glass, and Manish B. Shah*. 氯沙坦复合物中细胞色素P450 2C9*2的结构:遗传多态性的影响. 分子药理学. 2020. 98: 529-539. (Article figure selected for the Cover illustration of the November 2020 issue) (*Corresponding author)


Christopher L. Cioffi Title: 萎缩性老年性黄斑变性合并常见形式的老年性淀粉样蛋白疾病的药物治疗 Number: R01EY028549-01; NIH/NEI. Collaborators: 康斯坦丁·彼得鲁欣博士.D.,哥伦比亚大学,纽约,纽约州. Total Funds: $1,487,698. 资助期日期: 02/01/2018 – 01/31/2021 (no-cost extension: end date 01/31/2022). Role: 首席研究员(MPI).
Christopher L. Cioffi Title: Discovery and Development of Novel Glycine Transporter-2 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain. Number: 1R01DA048879-01; NIH/NIDA Collaborators:罗伯特·范登堡博士.D.他来自澳大利亚悉尼大学 . Total Funds: $1,832,790. Dates of Funding: 09/30/2019 – 06/30/2023. Role: 联络主要研究员.
Kideok Jin, Title: The role of secreted factors in crosstalk between endocrine resistant breast cancer and stroma. Grantor: 2020-2021年ACPHS发现奖学金. Total Funds: $5,000. Dates: 5/25/2021 – 6/30/2021. Role: 首席研究员.
Manish B. Shah, Title: Genetic and Structural Determinants of Warfarin and Losartan Binding to Cytochrome P450 2C9. Grantor: American Heart Association, Institutional Research Enhancement Award. 19AIREA34450040. Funding Amount: $154,000. Date: 07/01/2019 – 06/30/2021. Role: 首席研究员

Stefan Balaz

  • 苏勃拉曼尼姆R,林奇S,岑y,巴拉兹S. Polarity of Hydrated Phosphatidylcholine Headgroups. Langmuir (under review).

Yana Cen

  • 刘建军,刘建军,刘建军,等. Trichostatin A inhibits deacetylation of histone H3 and p53 by SIRT6. 生物化学与生物物理文献, 2018, 638, 8-17.
  • 葛瑞翰E, Rymarchyk S, Wood M, ceny. Development of Activity-Based Chemical Probes for Human Sirtuins. ACS Chemical Biology, 2018, 13, 782-792.
  • 陈亚平,陈勇. Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of Isotopically Labeled Nicotinamide Riboside. 有机与生物分子化学“,, 2018, 16, 3662-3671.
  • 陈勇,尹伟. AP Lyase Activity of EXOG Suggests a Unified Mechanism for Mitochondrial DNA Base Excision Repair. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (under review).
  • 刘国强,刘国强,刘国强. Polarity of Hydrated Phosphatidylcholine Headgroups. Langmuir (submitted).

Karen C. Glass

  • Gay JC, Eckenroth BE, Evans CE,兰吉尼C,卡尔森C, Lloyd JT, Caflisch A, Glass KC. (2018) Disulfide bridge formation influences ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, Dec. 6, doi: 10.1002/prot.25636. [印前Epub]. PMID: 30520161.
  • 多伊尔JW,格拉斯KC,瑞兹M,滕杰. (2018) Student-Directed Interactive Animation for Learning Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism. 药学教学的发展趋势浙江农业学报,12月10日(12):1565-1573. PMID: 30527821.
  • Lloyd JT, Glass KC. (2018) Biological function and histone recognition of family IV bromodomain-containing proteins. 细胞生理学杂志3月,233 (3):1877 - 1886. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26010. Epub 2017 Jun 13. PMID: 28500727.

Kideok Jin

  • Jin K, Pandey NB, Popel AS. 同时阻断IL-6和CCL5信号通路协同抑制三阴性乳腺癌生长和转移. 乳腺癌研究 2018 Jun 14;20(1):54. (通讯作者).
  • Norton KA, Jin K, Popel AS. Modeling triple-negative breast cancer heterogeneity: Effects of stromal macrophages, 成纤维细胞和肿瘤血管. 理论生物学杂志 2018 Sep 7;452:56-68.
  • Johng D, Torga G, Ewing CM, Jin K, Norris JD, McDonnell DP, Isaacs WB. HOXB13 interaction with MEIS1 modifies proliferation and gene expression in prostate cancer. Prostate 2018 Dec 17. doi: 10.1002/pros.23747. [印前Epub].
  • Malone MS, Smrekar K, Dnilova L, Considine M, Fertig E, Park S, Blakely B, Walter A, Nasta N, Park J, Jin K, Popel A. TNBC微环境中基质细胞分泌的细胞因子作为癌症治疗的潜在靶点:实验和生物信息学预测. 分子癌症研究 2018. (通讯作者,审稿中).

Marcel Musteata

  • Mall I, Musteata FM. Transdermal Sampling of Vitamin D3 and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3. Bioanalysis, 11(2), Epub先印,DOI 10.4155/bio-2018-0138, 2018 (通讯作者).

Manish B. Shah

  • 沙巴巴,张强,Halpert JR. Crystal Structure of CYP2B6 in Complex with an Efavirenz Analog. 国际分子科学杂志. 2018. 19:10 25(通讯作者).

Stanley Stevens

  • Kriss CL, Gregory-Lott E, Storey AJ, Tackett AJ, Wahls WP, Stevens Jr. SM. 体内代谢追踪证实了肝脏乙醇代谢对组蛋白乙酰化的位点特异性贡献. 酒精中毒:临床与实验研究, 42(10):1909-1923 (2018).
  • Rockfield J, Guergues J, Rehman N, Smith A, Bauckman KA, Stevens Jr. SM, Nanjundan M. Proteomic Profiling of Iron-Treated Serous Ovarian Cancer Cells Identifies AKT Activation, 哪一个上调CLEAR网络. Proteomics, 18(23):e1800244 (2018).

HaiAn Zheng

  • Pruyn S, Frey F, Brodeur M, Baker B, Long H, Graichen C, Zheng H, Dailey M. Quality Assessment of Expired Naloxone Products from First-Responders’ Supplies. 院前急诊医学杂志, E-published on December 30:1-7 (co-corresponding author).


Stefan Balaz

  • Krapah O,* Balaz S. Interaction of Amino Side Chains with the Surrogates of the Phospholipid Bilayer. ACPHS Student Summer Research Award Presentation, Albany NY, October 27, 2018 (Poster presenter: Opoku Krapah) *Recipient of an ACPHS Summer Student Research Award.

Yana Cen

  • Rymarchyk S, Kisaka S, Urman L, Ayres R, Cen Y. 人SIRT6的变构激活. 8th Annual ACPHS Research Forum, Albany NY, January 2018 (Poster presentation).
  • Tran A, Shek R, Yokose R, Wood M, French J, Cen Y. Identification and Characterization of Nucleobase Transporters. 8th Annual ACPHS Research Forum, Albany NY, January 2018 (Poster presentation).
  • Zheng S, Cen Y. Synthesis of Cyclooctyne Containing Probes for Labeling Sirtuins. 8th Annual ACPHS Research Forum, Albany NY, January 2018 (Poster presentation).
  • Cen Y. Novel Activity-Based Chemical Probes for Human Sirtuins. 2018年春季ACS全国会议, Early Career Investigators in Biological Chemistry session, New Orleans LA, 2018年3月(口头报告).
  • Cen Y. Sirtuin和NAD+:一个巴掌拍不响! Saint Michael’s College, Colchester VT, April 2018 (Invited talk).
  • 陈亚平,陈勇. Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of Isotopically Labeled Nicotinamide Riboside. 戈登酶研究会议, 辅酶和代谢途径, Waterville Valley NH, 2018年7月(海报展示).
  • 陈勇,陈志强,陈志强. The impact of DNA hypomethylating agents on the activity of nuclear sirtuins, 2018年ACCP年会, Bethesda MD, 2018年9月(海报展示).

Karen C. Glass

  • Glass KC. A link between ATAD2 bromodomain disulfide bridge formation and cancer progression? ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, January 27, 2018 (Invited talk).
  • Lloyd JT, Gay JC, Eckenroth BE, Tonelli M, Cornilescu G, Nguyen P, Carlson S, Markley JL, Glass KC. Structural insights into the recognition of mono- and di-acetyllysine by the ATAD2B bromodomain. ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, Jan 27, 2018(海报主讲人:KC Glass).
  • Lloyd JT, Gay JC, Eckenroth BE, Tonelli M, Cornilescu G, Nguyen P, Carlson S, Markley JL and Glass KC. Structural insights into the recognition of mono- and di-acetyllysine by the ATAD2B bromodomain. Keystone Symposia on Cancer Epigenetics: New Mechanisms, New Therapies, Breckenridge CO, February 12, 2018(海报主讲人:KC Glass).
  • Lloyd JT, Gay JC, Eckenroth BE, Tonelli M, Cornilescu G, Nguyen P, Carlson S, Markley JL and Glass KC. Structural insights into the recognition of mono- and di-acetyllysine by the ATAD2B bromodomain. UVM Clinical and Translational Research Symposium on Cancer Control in a Rural Environment, Burlington VT, April 20, 2018(海报主讲人:KC Glass).
  • Evans CM,盖伊JC,埃肯罗斯BE,卡尔森S, Lloyd JT, Glass KC. Disulfide bridge formation contributes to histone ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain. ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, Jan 27, 2018(海报主讲人:Chiara Evans).
  • Evans CM,盖伊JC,埃肯罗斯BE,卡尔森S, Lloyd JT, Glass KC. Disulfide bridge formation contributes to histone ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain. Keystone Symposia on Cancer Epigenetics: New Mechanisms, New Therapies, Breckenridge CO, February 12, 2018(海报主讲人:Chiara Evans). 
  • Evans CM,盖伊JC,埃肯罗斯BE,卡尔森S, Lloyd JT, Glass KC. Disulfide bridge formation contributes to histone ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain. ACPHS Annual Student Research Symposium, Albany NY, April 3, 2018(海报主讲人:Chiara Evans).
  • Evans CM, Gay JC, Carlson S, Glass KC. Recognition of acetylated histone ligands by the ATAD2 bromodomain. AAPS-NERDG 2018年会, Farmington CT, April 12, 2018(海报主讲人:Chiara Evans) **Recipient of the 2018 AAPS-ACPHS Student Researcher Award.
  • 张建军,张建军,张建军. Genome-Wide Analysis of Bromodomain Histone Di-Acetyllysine Ligands. UVM本科生研究会议, Burlington VT, April 19, 2018年(海报主讲人:西尔维娅·西诺雷利).
  • 张建军,张建军,张建军. Genome-Wide Analysis of Bromodomain Histone Di-Acetyllysine Ligands. UVM Clinical and Translational Research Symposium on Cancer Control in a Rural Environment, Burlington VT, April 20, 2018年(海报主讲人:西尔维娅·西诺雷利).
  • 张建军,张建军,张建军. Genome-Wide Analysis of Bromodomain Histone Di-Acetyllysine Ligands. ASBMB Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, April 21-25, 2018年(海报主讲人:西尔维娅·西诺雷利).
  • Evans CM,盖伊JC,埃肯罗斯BE,卡尔森S, Lloyd JT, Glass KC. Disulfide bridge formation contributes to histone ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain. ASBMB Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, April 21-25, 2018(海报主讲人:Chiara Evans) **Recipient of an ASBMB 2018 Graduate/Postdoctoral Travel Award, $1000. 
  • Allen B, Olmstead F, Evans CM, Glass KC. Characterization of the Histone Ligands of the Plasmodium falciparum BDP1 Bromodomain. ACPHS Student Summer Research Award Presentation, Albany NY, October 27, 2018 (Poster presenter: Brittany Allen) **Recipient of an ACPHS Summer Student Research Award.

Kideok Jin

  • Jin K. 基质成分与内分泌抵抗性乳腺癌之间通过分泌因子的串扰促进肿瘤生长和转移. AACR Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, April 14-18, 2018.
  • Jin K. 基质成分与内分泌抵抗性乳腺癌之间通过分泌因子的串扰促进肿瘤生长和转移. SUNY Albany, CRC Research Seminar (invited talk).
  • Jin K. 基质成分与内分泌抵抗性乳腺癌之间通过分泌因子的串扰促进肿瘤生长和转移. 第八届年度研究论坛, 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院, Albany NY, January 27, 2018 (invited talk).

Marcel Musteata

  • Mall I郑海,穆斯塔塔FM. Transdermal Sampling of Vitamin D3 and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3. AAPS-NERDG,法明顿,2018年4月.

Manish Shah

  • Shah MB. 16th Annual International Conference 2018 - "The Road from Nano-medicine to Precision Medicine", Albany NY, September 17, 2018 (invited talk).
  • Shah MB. Structural Determinants of Substrate Selectivity in Human Cytochromes P450 2C9 and 2C18.  Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego CA, April 21-25 (poster presentation). 
  • Shah MB. Structural and Computational Insights into Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Cytochrome P450 2C9. 8th Annual ACPHS Research Forum, Albany NY, January 2018 (poster presentation).

Loraine Silvestro

  • Garrison GD, Bidell M, Cabral K, Silvestro L, Boire A, Strang AF. 跨学科形成性评估在双校区大教室环境下促进学生学习(学校海报). AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (5) Article 7160.

Stanley M. Stevens, Jr.

  • Guergues J, Rath M, Pinho JP, Nguyen TG, Peris J, McLaughlin JP, MacFdyen K, Zhang P, Liu B, Stevens Jr. SM. Super-SILAC分析揭示了酒精诱导的小胶质细胞激活的性别差异:慢性酒精暴露后小鼠焦虑发展的潜在联系. 66th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Diego CA, 2018.
  • Kriss C, Gregory-Lott E, Storey AJ, Stevens Jr. SM. 体内代谢追踪揭示肝脏乙醇代谢对组蛋白乙酰化的位点特异性贡献. 66th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Diego CA, 2018.
  • Stevens Jr. SM. Applications of Stable Isotope Labeling in MS, ASMS Conference, San Diego CA, 2018 (session chair).

HaiAn Zheng

  • Frey J, Pruyn S, Brodeur M, Baker B, Graichen C, Dailey M, Zheng H. Quality Assessment of Expired Naloxone Products from First-Responders’ Supplies. ACPHS年度研究论坛, Albany NY, January 2018.
  • Frey J, Pruyn S, Brodeur M, Baker B, Graichen C, Dailey M, Zheng H. Quality Assessment of Expired Naloxone Products from First-Responders’ Supplies. AAPS Northeast Regional Annual Meeting, Farmington CT, April 12, 2018.
  • Frey J, Pruyn S, Brodeur M, Baker B, Graichen C, Dailey M, Zheng H. Quality Assessment of Expired Naloxone Products from First-Responders’ Supplies. AACP年会,马萨诸塞州波士顿,2018年7月22日.
  • Frey J, Pruyn S, Brodeur M, Baker B, Graichen C, Dailey M, Zheng H. Quality Assessment of Expired Naloxone Products from First-Responders’ Supplies. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Drug Abuse, Boston MA, August 2, 2018. 
  • Thurston AB, Zheng HA. 大麻素受体在人胚胎肾细胞(HEK-293)中的表达及其影响因素. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Drug Abuse, Boston MA, August 2, 2018.

Karen C. Glass
Role: Co-首席研究员 (Co-PI: Seth Frietze, University of Vermont)
Project Title: Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of histone code recognition by ATAD2/B
Grantor: 美国国立卫生研究院, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Amount: $1,987,375

Marcel Musteata
Role: Co-首席研究员: Marcel Musteata (Co-PI: Michael Kane, ACPHS) 
Project Title: Simultaneous Determination of Free, Total, and Normalized Concentrations of Bioactive Compounds
Grantor: 美国国立卫生研究院, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Amount: $480,000
Term: 2018-2021

Stanley M. Stevens, Jr.
Project Title: The role of histone demethylase KDM5B in ethanol-induced microglial activation
Grantor: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Amount: $379,402
期限:7/01/2019 - 6/30/2019

Project Title: Role of methylation in ethanol-induced microglial activation
Grantor: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Amount: $278,000


Stefan Balaz

  • 的编辑委员会成员 当前计算机辅助药物设计 (Bentham) and Chemical Papers (Springer).
  • 论文的同行审稿人 药物化学杂志, 化学信息与建模杂志, 环境科学与技术.

Yana Cen

  • Researcher of the Year, 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 (awarded Jan. 2018)
  • 美国国立卫生研究院SBCA研究部早期职业审稿人

Karen C. Glass

  • Peer reviewer for Cell Death & Disease, 药物化学杂志, PLOS ONE, and the 细胞生理学杂志.
  • Ad hoc reviewer for NIH Center for Scientific Review Molecular Genetics A study (MGA) section meeting. 9/24 to 9/25/2018.

Kideok Jin

  • Preclinical Catalyst Program Reviewer, Breast Cancer Now (UK)

Marcel Musteata

  • Associate Editor for Bioanalysis

Manish B. Shah

  • 编辑委员会成员 Current Metabolomics
  • 编辑委员会成员 药理学和毒理学

Stanley Stevens

  • Ad Hoc reviewer for NIH, Neurotoxicity and Alcohol Study Section (Feb. 22-23, 2018)